The PayClock Mobile application uses your mobile device's global positioning system to determine the location of the device. This can include data from GPS satellites, Wi-Fi hotspots and/or cellular tower triangulation. Your mobile device decides which criteria will be used to determine the location of the device.
Some methods are not as accurate as others, making it near impossible to determine the exact location of the device when the punch was made. PayClock always tries to retrieve the most accurate location information available, but ultimately your device decides what constitutes the "most accurate" location.
PayClock will determine the accuracy of the punch location using coordinates supplied by your mobile device. A punch determined as being accurate within 15 meters of the location will display as a Pin Point. A punch with accuracy greater than 15 meters of the location will have a white circle surrounding the punch indicating the degree of accuracy received from the mobile device. If you cannot see the circle initially, you may need to zoom out the window outside the default zoom setting.
Because PayClock depends on the coordinates supplied by your mobile device, no guarantees can be made as to the exact location when the employee punched.
Wed 12/05/2018